Price your shares & find liquidity

Caplight gives shareholders realtime pricing on their private company portfolios and access to the most trusted market for liquidity.

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Andreesen Horowitz

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The Information

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The Economist

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Wall Street Journal

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Financial Times

Track the value of your equity in real time

Real-time portfolio pricing from the largest secondary market trading platform enables shareholders to value their equity with confidence.

Monthly digest/report of your portfolio value

Easy import of your portfolio

Access liquidity through the largest and most trusted pre-IPO marketplaces

The Caplight trading platform is trusted by top financial institutions, investment funds and brokers, who are actively buying shares in pre-IPO companies.

Monthly digest/report of your portfolio value

Easy import of your portfolio

Access market prices and recent trade history

Helping you navigate the process of selling your shares from start to finish

Work with top trusted brokers on the Caplight platform to close a deal for your shares.

Place your shares

Access accurate, up-to-date pricing data on late-stage private companies, based on real secondary market activity.

Select your Broker

Get matched with a broker handpicked for their expertise in your specific company, ensuring personalized guidance throughout your trade.

Match with a buyer

Your broker will connect you with a qualified, ready-to-act buyer, making your transaction efficient and seamless.

Execute Trade

Complete your transaction seamlessly with our streamlined platform, designed to simplify private market trading with transparency every step of the way.

Our data powers analysis by top financial institutions and market publications

© Copyright Caplight Technologies, Inc. 2025. All rights reserved.


All investments involve risk, including the risk of loss of principal. You should carefully consider your investment objectives, risks, transaction costs and other expenses before deciding to invest in options, swaps or other investments.

This does not constitute an offer by Caplight Technologies, Inc. to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, any securities and may not be used or relied upon in connection with any offer or sale of securities. An offer or solicitation can be made only through the delivery of final offering document(s) and purchase agreement(s), and will be subject to the terms and conditions and risks delivered in such documents. Any securities offered are offered through Caplight Markets LLC, member FINRA/SIPC.

© Copyright Caplight Technologies, Inc. 2025. All rights reserved.


All investments involve risk, including the risk of loss of principal. You should carefully consider your investment objectives, risks, transaction costs and other expenses before deciding to invest in options, swaps or other investments.

This does not constitute an offer by Caplight Technologies, Inc. to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, any securities and may not be used or relied upon in connection with any offer or sale of securities. An offer or solicitation can be made only through the delivery of final offering document(s) and purchase agreement(s), and will be subject to the terms and conditions and risks delivered in such documents. Any securities offered are offered through Caplight Markets LLC, member FINRA/SIPC.

© Copyright Caplight Technologies, Inc. 2025. All rights reserved.


All investments involve risk, including the risk of loss of principal. You should carefully consider your investment objectives, risks, transaction costs and other expenses before deciding to invest in options, swaps or other investments.

This does not constitute an offer by Caplight Technologies, Inc. to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, any securities and may not be used or relied upon in connection with any offer or sale of securities. An offer or solicitation can be made only through the delivery of final offering document(s) and purchase agreement(s), and will be subject to the terms and conditions and risks delivered in such documents. Any securities offered are offered through Caplight Markets LLC, member FINRA/SIPC.